There is so much to do and so much more to see on this big green planet, so why be content? I aspire to one day have the power of spontaneity, and I don't mean that by definition. There is a reason that relationship/marriages are crashing and burning at an record breaking rate. We as people are attracted to the fire inside another person and what they truly have to offer. A "person" is 1% looks and 99% "person"laity,
The Honeymoon Stage--
Isn't it ironic that "The Honeymoon Stage" has nothing to do with marriage or a honeymoon at all. By the time someone actually gets married, 9 times out of 10 the honeymoon stage has already come and gone. This part of a relationship is so critical and important but it shouldn't be a stage, it should be a lifetime. The reason we fall in love with someone and fall in love so hard during this stage is because we can truly see who a person wants to be and what they have to offer. We play all of our cards to show this other person that this is all we can be but what happens when we don't have anymore cards to play?
They/we should rename this the "Don't fall in love with me just yet stage", we take all of our past experiences and use our knowledge of what worked and what didn't and we express all of that in this stage. The relationships that advance are the ones where we can continue to make things grow and become brighter. Living content is NO WAY to ever live, thats what we don't eat at the same place everyday (unless its Chipotle because "Chipotles my life") we always try new foods and see new places. We need to use the same method when it comes to love.
Take your eyes off your DAMN phone---
Now anyone who knows me knows that I am on my phone more than a 16 year old who just discovered Snapchat, but its still something to be addressed. If there is one thing that I wish was never invented it would be the modern "smart" phone. Isn't it funny that we call them "Smart Phones" when everyday we get more addicted and "DUMB" just by picking them up. We have so much at our fingertips that we lose the ability to look around where we live. What is the first thing we do when we see something beautiful? We pull out or phones and take a picture of it and share it to everyone else in the world. My goal is to have 5 breathtaking moments this summer and keep it in my heart not in my camera roll. Maybe you should do the same :)
I think that this is the biggest downfall of being a millennial, and also the biggest fear I have for whats to come. When we go to a mall and see all the kids walking around and they are all on their phones or taking pictures in the full length body mirror inside Forever 21. Keep in mind that just a short while ago, we were those kids and we didn't have the ability to do this. Our cell phones had to be flipped open and their primary use was to call mom or dad to pick us up. It's crazy to see how much has changed in just 10 years. In 10 years whats going to be different? We take for grantred that we live in such a beautiful world. We live 20 miles away from Red Rocks, one of the most beautiful concert venues in the entire world, and just because of my phone I know exactly whats happening there EVERY single day. If you consider Snapchat and Instagram, I have been to every concert at Red Rocks for three years straight.
Now I have said this time and time again, I think one of the most amazing things we have the ability and freedom to do is travel. I don't mean that we should save up money for 6 months and backpack through Asia (well I would love to do that) , but go somewhere... ANYWHERE that you have never been before. Traveling isn't just about sights, it's smells, sounds, tastes and falling in love with what god created for us. There is SO (<- not even close to the best word to describe) much for us to see out there. I promise you that it won't cost you a leg and an arm (i flipped that around) to put on a pair of shorts and some shoes and drive 30 miles in a direction your afraid of and eat a restaurant that you can't pronounce.
The Long Story Short-------
Don't fall into a pattern, discover inside your body mind and soul that there is ALWAYS something more to be had. Take a different route to work/school, eat something that smells bad, listen to music that might scare you, basically DON'T BE BORING.